Why We’re Not Doing The Burn Anymore | #BTBNewYear 2023


While The Burn was an epic art piece and spectacle for Kilifi New Year, in 2022 we have decided to discontinue this feature of the festival in the interest of our community and environment.

In the past The Burn was a way for us to honour the old and welcome the new year, whilst bringing our community and festival goers together for a great show. However now that the festival has grown so much, so too would the burn have to grow to a point that the team felt it would be irresponsible to burn such a large structure in a county that has suffered from many years of drought and where firewood is a deeply sought after commodity.


Simply put, producing The Burn would be disrespectful to both our neighbours and the natural environment that looks after us so well.

Our company values our environment and community above all else, as such we have decided to repurpose the energy that we used to place on this amazing structure into our Light Shows, Stage Designs and Stage Performers so that the whole BTB experience is magnified further across the festival.

No Burn? What about 100 Watt Lasers, Flame Throwers, Stage Performers choreographed to a 3D Mapping show on the Main Stage?

See you at Beneath The Baobabs Festival 2023.