posted in: KISIMA

We are super excited to introduce you to our wonderful group of Kisima teachers, healers and workshop leaders for Mind, Body and Soul.


NEHA ERASMUS is a certified PSYCH-K facilitator, working with individuals & groups for the purpose of transforming sub-conscious beliefs into stepping stones on their journey to their highest expression.

Her journey into spiritual philosophy began in 2007 when she wrote her master’s thesis on Indian Philosophy as an alternative to Human Rights. Since then, Neha has studied Vedantic thought, Yoga Philosophy & mystic wisdom from around the world and across time.

At KISIMA, she intends to take us through:

  • Spiritual Philosophy and Change Making
  • Entering the Stream and the Process of Surrender
  • Demystifying Religion and Removing Labels and Preconceptions about God and Religion
  • Science and spirituality: How manifestation works scientifically
  • Deep State Theory using Spiritual Philosophy
  • Pro-Africanism


KEVIN MWACHIRO is a Writer, Journalist, and Podcaster at Nipe Story, as well as a Queer Activist.

He is the author of ‘Invisible – Stories of Kenya’s Queer Community’ published by Goethe Institute. Kevin is also part of the editorial team for ‘Boldly Queer – African Perspectives on Same-Sex Sexuality & Gender Diversity.

At KISIMA, he intends to take us through a panel discussion on:

  • Reclaiming an African Sexuality and how this is being expressed in this day and age, in a uniquely African sense
  • The Traditional ways Monogamy and Sexuality play out in our current society


LOWRY ACHIENG’ is a Psychologist and Art Therapist who has dedicated herself to mental health advocacy, visual art and human healing. She is the founder of Self Care Fest Nairobi and Mental Wellness Kenya.

At KISIMA, She will lead us in:

  • Group Art Therapy Workshops
  • Mental Health Discussion Forum
  • One-on-One Art Therapy Sessions


MILDRED OTIENO has been a spiritualist, cardologer, historian, predictive astrologer and researcher of African Traditional Religions (ATR) for the past 18 years. At KISIMA, she will walk us through the subjects of:

  • Spirituality as a tool for decolonizing the mind and spirit
  • Astrology
  • Dream Symbolism and Interpretation


MANKA BAJAJ is the founder of Kenya Retreats, which organizes conscious events in epic outdoor settings, including yoga and meditation retreats.

Manka is initiated in the Siddha path and offers Energy Healing sessions using the Siddha Kundalini Healing method. She shall teach:

  • Yoga Nidra
  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Breathwork: pranayama/ art of living technique


IVY NABA is a writer, poet, artist, teacher, and humanitarian who believes in creation, connection, and expression as a form of self-discovery, healing, and growth.

She is a spiritual enthusiast who uses her empathic abilities to provide a safe space for everyone who wishes to reflect on their individual journeys.

She will lead workshops on:

  • Visual journaling as a form of art therapy
  • Writing for self-discovery

Ivy will also hold one-on-one sessions with those who would like to develop a deeper understanding of themselves by exploring their emotional and cognitive responses as well as their inner imagination.

SANDRA LEICHUM is certified in:

  • Hatha Yoga 
  • Laughter Yoga 
  • Tension & Trauma Release 
  • Energy & Intuitive Bodywork

Guided by the principles of mindfulness, curiosity, and alignment, Sandra teaches soulful classes where people come out feeling better about themselves, more centered, more connected, and more self-aware.

Sandra shall combine:

  • Integrative Nutrition
  • Reiki Healing
  • Pranic Healing
  • Crystal Healing
  • Essential oils
  • Acupressure points
  • EFT & Massage


HEATHER GORDON ATHIÈ is a certified Level 2 Wim Hof Method Instructor, Yoga and meditation teacher who encourages individuals to tap into their innate healing ability.

She specializes in Somatic Flow Yoga which is about Intuitive Movement, increasing proprioception, and the Mind-Body connection.

Heather is also a Mental Resilience Trainer with Tough Cookie, equipping people with the toolkits they need in order to cope with the challenges of modern life skillfully and sustainably.

Heather shall show you how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body and mind, and learn about the underlying physiology.

Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, or are just curious to find out what the Wim Hof Method is all about this experience offers something for everyone.


AFRIKA SIMPSON has studied Experimental Theatre, Ecstatic Dance and worked as the apprentice of transformational clown practitioner Zuma Puma, running workshops in the UK.

Afrika has developed her unique pedagogy in the Alchemy of Play and Ecstatic Dance through a life-long passion for Performing Arts and transformational experiences.

The Alchemy of Play workshops use the ancient art of the Fool through movement, dance and games to:

  • Re-awaken the playful spirit within
  • Relinquish our critical minds and step into a space of free flow play
  • Discover the tools which transform our shame into our pleasure
  • Find laughter in celebration of each dimension of the self
  • Set ourselves free to roam the internal and external wilderness of all that is with delight and curiosity

Through a carefully designed playlist takes you on a progressively rhythmic journey which evokes collective and individual energetic shifts, Ecstatic Dance welcomes you to enter into the boundless world of dance in full presence. This is a sober dance experience that leaves you buzzing on your own limitless life-force.

Afrika strives to create a safe space in which people feel the freedom to be who they are, as they are, in full respect for one another.


SALIM ROLLINS has maintained a dedicated Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga Practice since 2000 and was certified as an instructor through Yoga Alliance in 2007.

Salim shall take us on a journey through:

  • Capoeira Angola
  • Thai Yoga Massage
  • Hatha Yoga


TAMARA BRITTEN is 400hrs certified in Vinyasa Flow by Yoga Alliance. She loves to teach the playful styles of yoga which involve flowing sequences and fusion of movement & breath.

Tamara shall guide us through:

  • Arm balances 
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Yin


LAURA SUNDBLAD teaches the Prana Vinyasa Style of Shiva Rea and has completed the 200 hour Prana Vinyasa Teacher Training together with the Samudra Global School For Living Yoga Soulful Wellness Training. She is passionate about making yoga accessible to all humans, regardless of shape, size, or age.

Laura shall teach us:

  • Prana vinyasa: solar (active)
  • Prana vinyasa: lunar (restorative)


TESS ANDERSEN is an Ashtanga/Vinyasa and Yin yoga teacher. She became devoted to the practice of yoga as it played a significant role in her own healing journey. As a result, she feels passionate about the immense power of yoga and truly believes that yoga can be for everybody.

Tess shall teach:

  • Yin Yang Yoga: Yin yoga is a slow style of yoga where poses are held for extended periods of time. It works on the deep connective tissues and joints and is more inwardly focused. This is combined with a Yang Yoga style (such as Vinyasa) which works on stretching and strengthening the muscles and maybe builds up a sweat.
  • Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga yoga translates into “8 Limbs of Yoga.” These 8 limbs are essentially the steps to reach enlightenment and they are a strong foundation of the modern yoga we learn today.


CJ HANKAR is certified in:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama
  • Nutrition
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Reiki
  • The Emotion Code 

Having suffered from depression and acute anxiety from a very young age, CJ has been on a quest to find and learn about tools, techniques and modalities that can help herself and others feel better.


NICOLE HANKAR is fully certified in and has a deep understanding of:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama
  • Thai Yoga Massage
  • Acupressure
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Astrology
  • Numerology

Nicole shall use her knowledge and understanding of each of these disciplines to help others:

  • Identify and let go of fears and limiting beliefs
  • Process and clear trapped emotions stemming from childhood trauma, fear and limiting beliefs
  • Find the courage within themselves to go after the life of their dreams


Join Intuitive Energy expert & Akashic Records channel, SAPNA CHANDARIA, on embracing the power of the feminine to shift our consciousness and access higher vibration energies to amplify and embody the true power of who you are born to be.

At KISIMA, Sapna shall guide us on:

  • Divine feminine work: introspection and inner work
  • Chakra work, energy work, meditation, manifestation
  • Releasing the inner child
  • Radha: offering workshops for kids on mindfulness and the environment


ULLA MAKENA is a Shaman of Sacred Ceremonies and Deep Healing helping others connect deeply to their own true nature through shamanic journeying, healing ceremonies and healing circles.

Ulla works with drums, singing and meditation to open up a sacred space for self-expression and energy healing.

At KISIMA Ulla shall teach us:

  • Heart Prayer – Ancient Techniques of sound healing through Shamanic Chants
  • Healing Circle Talk on Ancestral Connections and bonds
  • Meditation and Earth healing Rituals


PAULA ARRANZ is a lover of nature, ancient wisdom, and all kinds of arts and cultures. She specializes in sacred sexuality and feminine alchemy.

Paula shall lead workshops on:

  • Women’s circles: 4th April is Winning Moon, which amplifies the feminine energies of creativity, sexuality, intuition, dreams
  • Uterus ritual Munay Ki: A traditional South American ritual to helps us to start the process of cleaning our feminine soul, strengthening our power and creativity, and blessing the uterus which is the center of power and creation.
  • Sacred Sexuality
  • Self-love and self care
  • Feminine and Masculine energy


NGALA CHOME is an award-winning writer, historian, and social scientist. Born and raised in Mombasa, his work examines the modern history of the Kenyan coast. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as African Affairs, Critical African Studies, Afrique Contemporaine amongst others. His op-ed and non-fiction work has appeared on The Elephant, Kenya’s the Standard, Foreign Policy, the New African magazine, Enkare Review, and the Chimurenga Chronic.

Join Ngala at KISIMA for:

  • An informal and fun talk on Mijikenda history.
  • A moderated discussion over Swahili/Mijikenda identities, and the question of coastal marginalization within wider Kenyan politics
  • This session will include poetry performances and a Q&A session


YUANITA has been practicing Body Art professionally for 3 years now, offering her service to both individuals and groups for photoshoots and themed parties. She works with theaters for shows to bring characters to life.

At KISIMA, Yuanita shall take us through:

  • The history of body art. Learning about the different types of body art, the purpose it served and how it varies from community to community.
  • Body art from a cultural perspective and how it is perceived in the modern world
  • How body art is used as a tool for self-love and acceptance
  • The mind to body connection by using our bodies as canvases and addressing our insecurities
  • An interactive session for children to learn how shapes can form patterns through a step-by-step process and how to turn this into art


Join us at KISIMA FESTIVAL from October 21st to October 24th 2021 for a journey through healing and celebrating the mind, body and soul.

4-day KISIMA PASSES are available here.