Clearly COVID has dictated a great deal of our decisions at Beneath the Baobabs in 2020. Whilst the cancellation of Beneath the Baobabs Festival (formerly Kilifi New Year) has been a necessary heartbreak for us all, there has been much to learn from this period.
2020 has seen both Society and Mother Nature call for more social awareness and has allowed us to reflect and work within clear parameters. Whilst it can seem bleak in the events industry with the unprecedented cancellation of concerts and festivals worldwide, the team at Beneath the Baobabs have envisioned a new future for our magical event site that allows us to bring people together in a safe manner and with far greater impact.
We have a great plan that means opening up rather than closing in!
With no festival to organise for now, we have been busy working out how to open up the site, with Covid compliancy, for intimate, more regular and impactful events. In this way we hope to build new experiences, retreats, workshops, events and opportunities, which keep us closer to you, on mission and open to new ideas.
In this way we believe that we can build our ever growing community of alternative thinkers, subcultures and creatives. We are looking to take the time to build our community with greater intention, so that when we are able to host major events and festivals once more, we will better understand the needs of our amazing family and build together, united and more innovative than ever.
We are excited to see what this new model brings, how it will make us stronger and how it can positively reinforce our mission to support the creative scenes in Kenya.