Kisima Festival was founded on the principle of wellness as a community initiative. And as a result we strive to make wellbeing more accessible to communities throughout Kenya.

Kisima to Community

Kisima Festival was founded on the principle of wellness as a community initiative. And as a result we strive to make wellbeing more accessible to communities throughout Kenya.

Increasing access to wellbeing modalities in community:  We are collaborating with other organizations in order to enable the Kisima collective to provide wellbeing workshops, talks and events for free throughout communities in Kilifi, with a view to expand these offerings throughout Kenya in the future.

The Kisima collective offer these sessions pro bono to those most in need, and we travel onsite into community spaces to offer practices that have been requested the most by our partners.

Community to Kisima

Through our partnerships, every year we offer free tickets to Kisima Festival for those who would want to attend the event but are not able to afford it. But a festival is expensive to run, so we can’t offer very many!

If you would like to purchase a ticket for a community member who would otherwise not be able to afford it – you can do so through our “pay it forward” scheme. More details to come.

Mentorship and Access to networks: For under resourced practitioners or those who are applying for training and certification, one of the most important things we can provide is access to the Kisima Collective. In this manner we can ensure that to-be practitioners can learn from those who have been in the field.

Training & Certification

2023 will be seeing a range of teacher training events take place at Beneath the Baobabs venue. We require a minimum of 30% of attendees for teacher training are given scholarship spaces, with the view to ultimately improve youth employability across the county. Through our partnerships we aim to identify young talent in the Kilifi community to whom we can support to attend such training.

Already in the works –

Mindfulness Practitioner Training March 2023

Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Training May 2023

Thai Yoga Bodywork October 2023

Kisima to Community Program Partners:

Mangrove Restoration & Tree Planting

In addition to being a socially conscious organization, Kisima Festival is also an environmentally conscious one. In order to meet our environmental action aims we are launching ‘Get your hands dirty day!’ which lands on Easter Monday, the day after the festival closes its doors onsite.

Participants of the festival will have the opportunity to purchase mangrove seedlings, at point of purchase of the festival ticket and throughout the event. On Monday participants are encouraged to plant those mangrove seedlings on Fumbeni beach, to restore our mangrove forests. Participants will do this in collaboration with community members across Kilifi, whether they were involved in the festival or not!

To learn more about LEAF charity and to purchase your seedlings click here!

Our Permaculture gardens and food forest will allow us to grow some of our own food in years to come and thanks to our in-house indigenous tree nursery, we hope to progressively replace invasive and non-indegenous plant species across the 50 acre site.

Along with our friends at the Green Heart of Kenya, we hope to better protect the pristine surrounding valley alongside the local community.

Beneath the Baobabs Festival also has a huge and ever-growing economic impact for the Kilifi community as a whole from direct employment, to suppliers of accommodation, food, beverage, transport and much more. Working hand in hand with the Kilifi County Government, we are working together efficiently to attract more beautiful people to the pristine tropical destination that is Kilifi, while doing all we can to protect the land and wonderful community. We are always ready to collaborate on projects which extend our reach environmentally, or our social impact, or any project which aligns with our core values of Inclusivity, Sustainability, Community and Creativity.

Kisima Newsletter

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